Monday, June 2, 2008

June, A Month For Dairy

Like I state in my "About Me" section I really love dairy. It might have to do with the fact that I was raised on it since birth or that I just am extremely partial to anything fatty and cholesterol filled. Any way you cut it I am majorly hooked. So it comes as no surprise that I am overjoyed that June is national Dairy month!

You might ask: What does Dairy month mean? Is eating Dairy celebration enough? Or do I need to do something more drastic like seek out Dairy cows and praise them for their contribution to the world? The National Dairy Council along with the Midwest Dairy Association have all the answers to these questions and much more on their website. They state that the month is used to, "highlight the benefits of dairy foods which are the focus of the season... and to get out the message of supporting the nation's farmers to the public." So it is my duty as a champion of the dairy industry to put the word out and make you aware of the Dairy industry and how important it is to support them! So get out there and eat some dairy...mmmm ... ice cream.

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